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Scholastic's Art and Writing Awards


Location: Stark Kent Branch

Judging: TBA

Drop off: TBA

Exhibition opens: TBA

Awards Ceremony:  Conferene Center (Kent Stark Campus)

Exhibition closes: TBA

Pick up: TBA



Ohio Governor's Youth Art Exhibition


Location: Regional at Crestwood High School

Date: TBA 

Location: State Judging Columbus

Date: TBA

Exhibition Opens:

                          James A. Rhodes State Office Tower, 30 E. Broad Street

                           Columbus, Ohio

Awards Ceremony:

                            The Riffe Center, Capitol Theatre

                             77 S. High Street, Columbus, OH 43215 




Portage County Art Show


Location: Hiram College Gelbke Gallery

Drop off: TBA

Judging: TBA

Awards Ceremonies: TBA

Pick up: TBA